Saturday, September 21, 2024

FOX In Cahoots With The Democrats

[ In a world just like ours, except that Fox News is in cahoots with the Democrats. ]

announcer: You're watching FOX. It is 9:10 O'clock. Do you know where your daughters are?

Now back to The Seth Meyers Report.

Seth Myers: In our last last news story, Ex president Donald Trump was on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls. He was giving a speech in the tunnel behind the falls. The Don upped the Auntie on his anti-abortion stance in a big way.

I guess we knew this was coming. But, pow, pop, this just blows me away.

Video of D.T. Speaking: Religion: I love, love, love religion. Hate abortion. I hate abortion so much / love religion. How's this, this, this, the Democrats won't like, they'll say Donald went too far on this, but I don't think so.

Listen unless a baby is born, unless a baby is baptized I, right here, I'm putting  the baby up to the waters behind the falls. To Baptize. 

Like right here. Hold them in the Falls, that would be great. Hold them in the Falls to be baptized ... the baby's not alive... this poor little tiny tiny little baby boy or girl baby is not alive to the world of sin and only lives when it's  baptized.

So my stance.  My stance. Not my political opinion Unless the baby the beautiful baby unless the baby is baptized within 8

8 days. We'll give 8 days... it's the same as an abortion.  The same! The baby's dead to me. We will make it the law. That both mothers and fathers to be arrested for murder of their child. 

It should be the law: Can't have dead babies walking around. 

I will set it to law on Day One. We can use the Mormon Church. Or Any Church. 

back to Seth: This lunatic rant could only come from Donald Trump. 

The Mormon church!?! Where'd He get that?

With any other presidential candidate this would be the leading story for the next week but for trump, things are about to get a little bigger.

For more on the story here's, 'A Closer Look'

You would assume to think assigning, 'The' state religion to the Latter-Day Saints would be the big story of the week for Trump.

But it's small potatoes to the 'supposed' Second assassination attempt on the former president.

I say 'suppose' because, to some, the ass in the bushes, hiding there for 12 hours- just for a chance to get toTrump story-seems ridiculous. Especially when Trump just decided at that spur of the moment to play a round, there.

It can be claimed that the man wasn't even after Trump but just a homeless guy with a gun.

On a sidebar-camera two: It says a lot about how Americans treat the homeless, that a homeless man with the gun can park beside a golf course for hours on end with no one checking in on him- just saying.

 camera one: Yes, shots were fired; there were s fired by the police to draw out the perpetrator.

If you ever wondered if the news you watch is fake...if you ever wanted to know if it's propaganda. Here's how: Where are all the conspiracy theorists on this? Where is Alex Jones?

 I mean if you take a long look at the supposed assassination attempt, it's sort of looks like actors, doesn't it ?

Shots are fired. The president's ear is bleeding... and the people in the stands are just standing there. Look I know it's real, but where are the photos of the injured people or the man that died?

 In this age of everyone has a camera, is there even a single shot or photo anywhere on the web of the victims?

I pray for the victims, but even Kennedy's assassination had photographs: movies! Heck, Kent State!

Where's the footage? Where's the complete newscast stories of the killer? 

Come On!

School shootings- these well documented horrific events are called fake. Nothing but actors. 

But no conspiracy theories on this one? What too easy, Alex? Like shooting fish in a barrel. Okay okay, I retract the fish in the barrel an allergy.

Here's the thing.

Here's the thing. If your news calls, 'school shootings,' fake, but, hey, Donald's Trump with his ear's all better, real, how can you not question the attempts to kill the candidate -your candidate-as anything but fake? Staged?

It maybe just maybe,be propaganda. 

And here's the thing: Trump himself is a conspiracy theorist.

Donald Trump is a case of  just how low you can go? This, 'how low.' Anyone else would be arrested and condemned for being higher than this-low low.

Donald Trump brought 9/11 denier Lorna Loomer to the Ground Zero September 11th remembrance ceremonies!

Bringing a 9/11 denier to the sacred site on this sacred day is blasphemy and an insult!

Trump might as well have been saying, "I have to be here, but I believe as former president, that 9/11 was an inside job.

 It's an insult.

Look at it like this:

Donald Trump comes home to Mar Largo on his wedding anniversary to his bride, Melina, with Stormy Daniels in his arms.

"Don't worry, Melina. Happy Anniversary. Could you go and make some popcorn for Me & Stormy."

Donald Trump sits down on the couch with Stormy, and puts his arm around her. He starts groping her.

"Hurry along Melina or you'll miss the beginning of our wedding video."



Donald Trump bringing a 9/11 denier to Ground Zero, 'On September 9/11, IS THAT BAD!

Why isn't anyone totally upset about this? Why? It's a total, total, total, total insult to that tragic day. 

What...would ...compell him to do it?

Ok. Settle down.  Here's this. 

What if Laura Loomer is blackmailing The Donald? 

All she'd have to say is,  "Darling, I don't care if they were trying to shoot you or not.

"But, I will conspire the shit out of it. You don't want me to do that do you? No telling what I might find."

"And if I still refuse?"

"You wouldn't want to do that. No telling what I'd find."

Taking a denier on the most sacred day, to this most sacred place: September 9th at Ground Zero, doesn't sit well with me. I don't think even being  baptized in the whole Mist of the back of Niagara Falls wouldn't save him. But we can hope. Right? 

This has been a closer look.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Trumpublican Blind Love

 Is Trumpublican blind mad love for Donald Trump any good for Donald Trump? When they accept and believe every little thing that the man says, doesn't that give him total dominance over them, his followers? 

I loved, respected and admired my Father. Yet, in second grade when he told me that I couldn't hang with a certain friend, I told him, "No one can tell me who my friends are!"

Dad was right about many many lessons in my life. He was wrong about that one. That friend remained my good friend all throughout high school.  

I am thankful that my Father taught me how to not only stand up for myself, but to think for myself. 

I'll be damned if any politician would constantly demand what for me to say or think! Especially, Donald f-in Trump. 

It's been said that absolute power corrupts absolutely. And blind faith in this absolute power leads to propaganda. 

Why not? Conformity leads to a more aligned powerbase. All for one and one for all. E pluribus unum. 

Donald Trump is 78 years old. He is not the Donald Trump that he was 8 or 9 years ago. All you have to do is actually listen to him. He forgets names, rambles on into unknown regions. He says it's part of the plan.

But is it?

If he's this bad bad could he get 2-3 years down down the road?

Is blindly agreeing with Trump about pets being eaten, now, going to help Trump actually lead you in the future? 

He could get us into wars. Civil wars. And y'all would go gently into the night. 

I'm not a Trumpublican. I never will be. So take what I say with a grain of salt. 

I guess you have to ask yourself, are you still willing to take part in the Second Insurrection  for this man? This Trump, right now?

Would it make America any better?

Your choice. Just giving you something to think about.

But, do you really want to mess with that bear?

Because, as Ronald Reagan once said, "Shouldn't you be as strong as the bear, if there's a bear?"

Sunday, March 17, 2024

The Not So Great & Powerful Oz/trump

 Heir Trump is doubling down on his double entendre vague threats. Crap like saying if he doesn't win the election there will be a bloodbath. Just another example of his typical mobster type saying without saying B.S. 

Why? Because Trump knows he can't win on value and/or ability. He has no value and/or ability. 

He has never won the popular vote and never will. 

He believes that he still has a blind legion behind him. 

But does he?

With every lie he is losing more and more of his base. Maybe not in opinion polls, be in reality. 

His Ohio minions can only blab on about 'The border' because there is nothing else behind them to get them elected. Unemployment is so low that anyone thar wants a job can get one. The supposed inflation is not stopping people from buying even unnecessary overpriced items. Seems everyone is going to Vegas-baby and life is so good for company shareholders that there are record breaking profits everywhere in the Fortune 500. 

No imposed lockdowns. Sure gas was only $1.⁰⁶, but you couldn't go anywhere. No insurrections. 

Propaganda networks get fined almost a billion dollars for admitting that they lied about the insurrection. And Trump is being charged again and again for just being Trump. A lying no good con-artist that needs the lying lawyer speak just to survive. 

Talk about Woke...people are WAKING UP...and Trump I'd doubling down on trying to keep them sleepy Joe's...

Can Trump make it work? Only with violence and the threat of it. Because there is no big and powerful OZ/trump. It's just smoke and mirrors.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

A reed blowing in the wind

 ...they called in a car bomb...<p>...used a three point of attack ...<p>...while I counted to eight hundred million...<p>...Andrew was there...<p>...said...<p>...anyone stupid enough to come into *MY* house...<p>...gets what they get...<p>...they think tip of the spear...<p>...I say tip of the iceberg...<p>...Nebuchadnezzar will suffer from Insania Zoanthropia...<p>...not a vision...<p>...not prophecy...<p>...the hand writing is on the wall...

Saturday, January 13, 2024

The Troubling Case Of Can't Convict

 3 days into the future

Somewhere in Belgium in a deep, dank dungeon prison cell.

The sound of a power drill can be heard torquing the last bolt onto the iron mask that is covering the prisoner's face.

The prisoner is strapped to a chair. There are three helmeted men with face masks standing around him.

"You can't do this," says the man in the iron mask, his voice shaking in terror, "It's illegal. I could die, here."

"That's the point," said the man handling the drill to another man, "Except, there is no could. You will die here."

"But that's, that's...stop. Please, stop. I can pay you."

"We've heard that line before," said the man now holding the drill. "You'd stiff us just like you stiffed everyone else."

The third man raises his visor showing the man in the iron mask exactly who he is.

Shock comes into the eyes of the man in the iron mask.

"Dad sends his greetings. Don't worry. You're old. What ya got? If you're lucky, 2-3 years? Your accomplices are all dead. Shot in the head. You're the lucky one."

Six weeks and two days later.

At The White House press conference. 

"Mr. Mr. President. What about Donald Trump?"

"Donald Trump," begins the President, "Declared himself not a flight risk and disappeared from Mar-a-Largo 6 weeks ago."

"Mr. President!"

The President raises his hand, "Having missed his court dates, We- The United States of America- consider Mr. Trump a wanted fugitive. He is the leader of a terrorist organization that tried, tried to take over the United States government on January 6th."

"He is considered to be a dangerous threat to our government. And, we intend to find him."

Hands raise. The President points to one. "Mr. President, his allies claim that since The Supreme Court ruled that a president can not be held accountable for eliminating a political rival, that, Sir, Mr. President, that you've kidnapped him."

"You see, that's one of the reasons that my administration has always - Always- disagreed with that ruling. That it could be used against The United States."

"But, Mr. President, did you take him?"

"No! Emphatically no! In fact, it could be equally assumed that Mr. Trump went onto hiding just so I could be accused of this very thing."

The President holds up his hand, "My administration - The United States government- denies all- and I mean all- claims that we would have any knowledge of where Mr. Trump is. But, we will find him. And we will hold him accountable."

"Couldn't only an elite team like Seal Team 6 had taken him from Mar-a-Largo?"

"Look, a while back a Chinese fella just waltzed right in there. It's more likely he left on his own accord."

FOX News: Wouldn't it just been easier for you to take him? I mean, according to The Supreme Court, you're totally allowed."

The President grabs the podium with both hands and leans forward, "Dang Darn it, man, We disagree with that law. It's not American. I am The President NOT a dictator. I will NEVER NEVER NEVER EVER do such a tragedy of American justice."

"Look! Look, he's more likely staying with some old friends. Perhaps, trading America's secrets for his freedom."

"Let's get this straight:  Trump is a wanted man. He ran. It's that simple. And we will get him. We will not rest until We find him and bring him to justice. We will try him and lock him up."

"Next question. "

Monday, April 10, 2023

The DeSantis Clause

 Ron DeSantis.

I don't know how people can like this guy. I thought Republicans were supposed to be pro-free market, and anti-governmental regulations when it came to big business.  

But because this guy is against a boy wearing a dress he is putting all the power of his office into a battle against one of the biggest money makers and employers in the state.

Think about it. He is willing to put the economy of the whole state at risk for a problem that is hardly a problem at all. 

Imagine if Governor DeSantis was so focused on the American terrorists problem of mass shootings instead. Imagine if he was willing to put the whole economy of Florida at risk to save the state from further mass shootings. 

Nah, I can't imagine him doing it either. He's doing the math. Why should he fight for only a couple scores of dead children, when he could fight over restroom wrongs of less than a score of trans children.

Ron DeSantis.

I don't know how people can like this guy.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Doomed At D.C.

 -Why do most Trumpsters consider the election fraudulent? Mail in ballots

-Why were mail in ballots a thing this election? The covid virus.

-Why was the virus so bad that we had to use mail in ballots?

- Because Trump downplayed the virus. Called it fake. Gone by Easter. A Democratic  hoax. Held rallies. Refused to wear a mask.

-Was the virus real? According to Trump's own words and actions: Yes. There are very early on recordings of Trump privately stating how bad the virus was. Trump claimed to downplay it because he did not want to panic the people or the stock market.

-But are the numbers real? Have over three hundred thousand American citizens really died from the virus? Trump has not questioned the numbers. In fact, he has said that the hundred of thousand numbers are lower than expected. Trump has claimed, more than a million Americans would be dead from the virus if not for him.

-So the world wide epidemic is real? Why mail in ballots? Are mail in ballots safe?

-There were real reasons for mail in/ absentee ballots before the pandemic. Safeguards were already in effect. Trump had already voted by mail many times before this election. If you have asked for an absentee ballot special procedures are in place so you if you go to vote in person, you can't. You can't. 

-Then why the rigmarole against it? That is the $64,000.00 question. You might as well ask why Trump demanded the removal of automatic mail sorting machines? Why make postal workers job harder? Why would someone that has used absentee voting condemn it during a pandemic? 

- Why would he? The same reason he downplayed the Covid 19 pandemic. So Trump could put the validity of the election in doubt in the mind of his fan base.

- Couldn't Trump have demanded compliance to combating the virus, saved lives, and won the election in a landslide-a hero? Yes, Trump could had fought like hell to keep America great in keeping covid at bay. But that path was not guaranteed. That would have meant talking to the whole country and not just his base. Creating doubt about it enough to control his base was imperative in order to create a need for mail in ballots. Trump then could create the false narrative that mail in ballots could be fraudulent. 

- That's crazy talk. Yes, half the country has been bamboozled. But Trump couldn't have done this con job by himself. Fox News. Twitter, Facebook, Rush Limbaugh numerous state and federal officials feeding into the Trump frenzy to get there share. Every day ordinary Americans willing to buy into this because they like the style of hatred preached by the right wing media are at fault. Our democracy is bleeding dry now by liberal democrats willing to accept this narrative as normal. 

-Are we beyond repair? Judging by the inglorious responses on this thread and others, most Trumpsters don't want democracy to succeed. They are more loyal and patriotic to Trump than to our country. 


Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Circumcise Your Heart

Hello, I am glad you are here.

What does the saying, 'Circumcise your heart,' mean?

Circumcision is the removal of foreskin.

Initially, it was a promise to God. Perhaps better put, an acceptance of God's promise. A covenant. A holy symbol.

No matter how well intended the act of circumcision, the question had to be asked, is the symbol, or what it symbolized more important?

Is it possible for a woman that can not physically participate in male circumcision believe more fully than a man who's had it?

Yes, obviously, it is possible that she can.

This - in my opinion - is what circumcision of the heart means: To believe in the heart of God's law over the letter of it.

As Michael Stanley famously put it: "The Lord uses the good ones, and the bad ones use The Lord."

The Shakespearean quote, "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers," is not necessarily a condemnation of lawyers, but the observation on how easily misusing the letter of the law can lead to the corruption of it.

For example, when people like president Trump legal up, it isn't for justice. It is for the exact opposite. To force their will.

This is why it is hard to argue with the anti-virus - pro-work protesters. Legally, Constitutionally, they do have a leg to stand on. Freedom to assemble. Freedom of speech.

Yet, what good is it to gain the world, but lose your soul?

Yea, circumcise your hearts. Love your God with your whole heart. And the second commandment is the same as the first, love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two laws hang all the law and the prophets.

In this time of world wide crisis, these protesters with their guns, insurgent shouts of liberating their states, and general anti-government hate speech, are legally within their rights to demand that their states get back to work.

Other protesters have, now, died of Covid19. They shout, so what? People die.

Essential jobs are not being filled by these death or glory hogs.

They use the letter of the law against the heart of it.

They neither seek truth nor mercy.

They impose on people burdens hard to carry, but they themselves do not lift one finger to help them.

Whatever happened to if they take away your jacket, give them your overcoat as well?

If we don't all hang together we shall all hang separately?

The answer is easy.

Love. Respect. Honor.

Circumcise your heart and you will know.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Trump: Step Down Or Step Up!

 President Donald Trump needs either to step down or step up.

America does not need a thug president that bullies states into kissing his signet ring. America needs a leader that not only unifies the nation, but, also, needs a president that puts the America citizens' health and safety first.

Alternative facts are coming from different sets of politicians and assorted media venues (everything from the coronavirus being overstated , to just the opposite, that the coronavirus crisis has not yet come close to peaking ).

In my opinion, instead of letting every state fend for themselves, the United States of America needs to be united in its efforts to end this crisis.

The president is the man to do that.

Again, in my opinion, president Trump needs to take a stand. If president Trump truly believes that this virus is less pandemic and more panic-demic, or if his thoughts are more along the lines of the heroic frontliners that our resources are quickly being overwhelmed, he needs to say so.

This is no time to attack other political leaders whom he thinks are laughing at him because they chose action over accolades and/or political maneuverings.

Right now, America does not need a president that dismisses the coronavirus. 'People die everyday. Let's get back to work.' These are not the words that encourage most of the masses.

The president might as well had said, 'I am here to make money. I don't care if citizens die.'

President Trump plays it like he is an ESPN sports analyst. He hedges his bets. Team A will destroy team B...unless they have a bad day, or team B really ups its game. This legalese vagueness is confusing and dividing the country.

This is why president Trump needs to man up. And when I say man up, I explicitly mean that he needs to be the man.

In this crisis, maybe president Trump is not capable of uniting us. Hopefully, he is.

All I am saying is, Mr. Trump, it's time to get off the pot, either step down or step up.

Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Trump Sheep

They say that knowledge is power, and ignorance is bless. That rebels have been rebels since I don't know when, but all she wants to do is dance, dance.

And it makes me think of Trump fans. Waving their rebel flags and wearing their Trump 2020 MAGA hats.

They are putting it to the man. They are tired of being told how to act, behave, think.

They are tired of the status quo. They are filled up with righteous indignation.

Or so they think.

Instead, they are just baying sheep.

There is nothing rebellious about their behavior. They 'are' being told what to think. They don't just want the status quo, they want to go backwards in time to the supposed way things used to be.

They are being told what to think and will not unthink what they are told no matter how little sense what they are told seems to make.

They are being led astray. Rebel flag and all.

Let's start with the truth (a good place to start). Jesus is the truth, the light and the way.

Now, I am not asking you to believe in Christ. Or to believe in any higher power. In America that is your free choice.

The separation of church and state.

Though, it is on our coins. And we swear (eventhough we are told not to swear) on the Bible in court.

Like the flag stands for a symbol of all we as Americans hold dear, meaning the Constitution, God/Jesus/the Holy Spirit is the figurehead of the ideals we are indentured to.

We live in a Judeo Christian society after all.

All this basically means is that American forefathers got plenty of our country's foundation from Jewish scripture and the New Testament. Not all, by far. But even the lines drawn against these values were created by the retaliation of these values.

They did not want a religious/ political government. No more Kings dressed as religious icons. No more persecution for not believing correctly.

All men are created equal is the exact retaliation to this kind of system. No man should rule another because he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

Not that these diverse elders all lived by this motto. But that was why the Constitution and the Bill of Rights were created.

If it isn't created exactly right now,  give the people the continuous power to change it.

Love the law. But make the law created for man, not man for the law.

We hold these truths to be self evident. It is by these words that the gist of America's Declaration Of Independence is based.

For the truth will set you free.

But today's media kings wants to entangle the truth in a web of lies. And today's president can say whatever he wants to in order to ensnare the truth in a Pontius Pilate style propaganda trap.

I am constantly being told by president Trump supporters that what the president said is not what he meant. That he was joking. That I am being too literal.

That puts both the Trump supporter and myself in an awkward position. They believe nothing he says, while me, myself, while not in anyway riding on the Trump train, take him at his very word, and believe what he says.

By some accounts,  Mr. Trump, in his time of office, has told over 10,000 lies.


This would make him the President of lies!
 Or to put it in more biblical terms: the prince of lies!

Why would Mr. Trump lie so much that while calling him the best president ever, all of his supporters don't believe a word he says?

Because the truth has become irrelevant to his supporters. President Trump has become like a tribalist cult leader. His followers no longer have to hold themselves accountable. They no longer have to check themselves. They no longer have to be civil.

That is the gist of Trumpism. His supporters are being told that society rules are nothing but political correctness crap.

But in reality, they are being told that being inclusive to those not like themselves is an erasure of their own rights and beliefs.

Speak English! Be barefoot and pregnant. Be straight.

On one hand, the political right is telling them that it is ok to 'come out'. To be proud of who you are and what you stand for. While on the other hand, explaining that this means shoving others back into their place.

And it feels good to be this liberated. No longer having to be nice to their gay niece,  or their Arab neighbors. No longer having to quietly let the 'Mexicans' take their jobs.

Never mind that they like their gay niece, their Arab neighbors and their Mexican counterparts. It's the idea that takes hold.

Soon, the idea, that if you are not with us you are against us brings on Christ like meaning...and come on... Christ did say it.

But He also said that those that are not against us are with us. Just who is your neighbor? The one that went out of their way to treat you kindly.

The exact opposite of what they are being taught!

Hate is not necessarily bad unto itself. In my opinion,  I believe it is justified to hate injustice, to hate seeing people going hungry.

But the truth is that Jesus prayed for those that were against him. Forgave those that were against him. He fed the hungry. He cured the ill. He helped the foreigner. He taught to love.

I see the opposite today in the Trump crowd.




They are being twisted into a nihilistic mold. They are becoming nepotistic drones. Me. Me. Me.

Yet, not truly in their own interests.

The very act of only acting upon what they are told to think goes against the very act of self preservation.

When the very idea that the truth is meaningless, and that being right simply means never admitting that you are ever wrong, things can quickly go astray.

My country right or wrong can only be defined as following your leaders willingly and blindly into any void the powers that be choose to send you.

This makes these leaders not just careless, but ruthless. When you are easily controlled why should your interests be of any particular value?

CEOs can make in half a day what their average worker makes in a year, and the workers will agree that the company cannot compete because the workers make too much money.

Citizens will be told that they have a right to free speech,  but any citizens dumb enough to actually stand up (or kneel down) against what they see as an injustice will be condemned for talking against the system built exactly for them to stand up (or kneel).

The best term that I can think of to call this interesting phenomena is tribal socialism.

And a good comparison to it is the Catholic church... an infallible leader that can do no wrong...strength within because anyone that breaks with the tribe is ostracized...blind faith.

I can go on. But I won't.

And I am not necessarily calling the Catholic Church bad. Besides it's pope, it has thousands of years of religious doctrine. It has Jesus.

But I am not calling being on the Trump train good. In fact, the opposite.

Turning not just a blind eye, but also a blind hardened heart to love a leader at all cost-flag waving- group thinking- hate spewing is the exact thing American was build to destroy.

All men are created equal. A right to a fair trial. Freedom to speak your mind. Freedom to worship- or not to worship- as you so desire.

With president Trump America is at a turning point. Will patriotism turn to fascism? Will democracy turn to nazism?

Will the all mighty dollar supplant the idea of the Almighty?

Maybe rebels have been rebels since I don't know when, but all she wants to do is dance, dance. But you have to fight for your right to party.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Star Trek Discovery Guesses

Ok, haven't yet seen pt.II of Discovery's season two finale, here are a few the Great Andrew Predicts thoughts:

Since Spock is still with the Discovery crew, it will be him in the unexploded Photon torpedo tube stuck in the Enterprise's hull.

If time traveling is possible, why not go back to the past to stop Michael becoming an orphan. This could also help with the Red Angel and/or the Red Angel suit.

If this happens Spock will never have met his sister.

The Discovery short where the ship has been abandoned in the future foretells a Voyager like tale of the crew finally getting home(but not Discovery itself) as a show finale. WoWzer!

Come on, Captain Pike is just to damn good. And earlier interation of the Star Trek Enterprise with Pike as the captain would be a massive hit with the TOS crowd.

As of now, my favorite Star Trek captains- in order- are Pike, Janeway and then Kirk.

There must be a Pike/Spock Enterprise series.

I wonder what I will think after next week?

Thursday, April 04, 2019

Boeing Hacked?

Sometimes, you have to listen to what is left unsaid. Sometimes, you have to read between the lines. That being said...

...could have the crashed Boeing 737s possibly been hacked by terrorists?

Think about it. Would anyone fly if this was made public knowledge?

I wouldn't. Maybe you wouldn't either.

Saturday, February 02, 2019

Texas Teachers Have To Sign Pledge To Isreal

According to this Newsweek article all teachers in the great state of Texas have to contractually pledge not to boycott Israel.

Make no mistake about this, this is a forced upon pledge that Texas teachers have to agree with in order to work in Texas.

This is horrifying.

For an entire profession in any state - in order to work - to be forced to take a pledge of allegiance to any foreign government(!) is so anti-American it boarders on treason.

An Israel is the classic example on why it is so wrong.

First off, I am pro Israel. That is besides the point. Let's just claim Israel to be the chosen people of God. That still makes this pledge wrong.

Here's why. The problem with pledging our allegiance with the chosen ones is...have you ever read the Bible?

Whenever Israel went against the will of God, because they are the children of God, God came down harder on them than He would on other peoples.

Not only that, God came down hard on those other nations that were involved with Israel's sin.

Is this really the position America wants to put itself in?

This is the problem in a nutshell with one sovereign nation making its citizens pledge an allegiance to another sovereign state... no matter how well intended.

This must stop.

We must not let our politicians put foreign policy above the freedom of us its citizens.

If not, what's next? A president that is an agent of Russia or Rush Limbaugh?

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Trump Builds A Walmart

I know a good way for Trump to save face. I will build a beautiful Wal-Mart. And this will be the best ever Walmart ever. And best of all the Mexicans will man it. It's a win-win. So let's build the Walmart.

Sunday, January 20, 2019


You've seen the Catholic kid in the MAGA hat dissing the native American Vietnam veteran. Some say he was baited by black Muslims into it (black Hebrews?). Some say the full video justifies this punk and his fellow MAGA students and allows them their ridicule.

Yeah, I know,whining is a MAGA call sign to justify almost anything. Snowflakes on steroids. That's the way MAGA-cians are taught. The art of the deal is just another way of claiming playing fair is for pussies.

But, enough of this Pontius Pilate excuse making.

What would Jesus do? Why is it no surprise that Catholic kids wearing MAGA hats wouldn't even think of what would Jesus do?

Why is it every time I think about going back to the Catholic church the church gives me a reason not to?

MAGA is the exact opposite of WWJD.

And for the life of me I can't see how Christians can't see it.

Why do my fellow Christians choose FOX News' hate filled propaganda?

Why do my fellow Christians choose to believe president Trump's selfish claims of deceptions and lies?

And believe me, they choose to.

It's like they no longer care what Jesus would do. They would rather make America great again... whatever that means.

They choose hate over love.

They choose a man that claimed he could kill a man in the middle of a busy street and not lose any popularity over it over the man that allowed himself to be nailed to a cross to die for our sins.

I wish it was just their personal belief in the separation of church and state. But going to a church sponsored pro-life rally wearing MAGA hats sort of screams against that.

As for me, I choose The Lord. How do I help make America great again? By asking: What would Jesus do?

Saturday, January 05, 2019

Here's An Idea... Or Two...Or Three

I think Trump shutting down the government for his fantasy wall shows not only his win at any cost (no matter how frivolous the contest) mentality but, also his delusional grandiose mental illness.

Or to put into words his fans can understand: Trump is batshit crazy and is aiming our boat right towards that giant iceberg!

Think about it. Didn't Trump say that the Mexicans were going to build the wall? Isn't that one of his MAGA slogans? Isn't that one of the, 'because you'll buy anything,'pitches that helped him get elected?

Since when are Americans Mexicans? Why should I root for Trump to build this crazy fantasy never gonna happen wall? Billion dollars of our cash?  Our taxes? What's next? The money Congress okays for this giant white elephant will really go for improvements to Mar a Lago, or hush money so he can build a Trump tower in Russia?

As Spock would say, "Building the wall is highly illogical."

Anyone for this massive government shutdown is either a wall contractor or batshit crazy as he is.

Now... building a giant forcefield across the border... that's an idea I can get behind!

In other news...

Facebook is making billions selling our data to whomever wants it. Not only is this an invasion of our privacy, but where is our take? Where is our share of the money? I mean, it is our data. Shouldn't we be getting 2/3 of the $$$ derived from it?

Seriously, this is highway robbery, dude.

And lastly...

For a reason totally beyond my own comprehension, when I think of President Trump, I am reminded of this story from the 4th chapter of the book of Daniel:

King Nebuchadnezzar, will have his human mind taken away and will eat grass like an ox. This comes to pass, and at the end of his punishment Nebuchadnezzar praises God. 

Was Daniel prophesizing what was going to happen to Donald Trump? Will the Donald become vegan and find religion?

Hmmm... maybe.

Remember,  you heard it here first.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

If Brett Kavanaugh was ( and for the sake of my argument, let us consider him thus) innocent, this is how I would have responded to questioning:

"Senator, this has been the most terrible 10 days of my life, my family's life, and, I'm sure, her life, but I am innocent. 

"Since the very beginnings of my judicial career I have worked hard to achieve my dream of becoming an United States Supreme Court Justice. 

"So, what is four more day, four more weeks, heck, four more months to achieve this dream.

"I demand a FBI investigation. Demand it! As a judge. As a man that aspires to the highest court of the land, justice must be served."

Of course,this is not what we got. We got partisan propaganda gobbledygook: from a judge!

But the worse is yet to come. Now, that there is going to be a FBI investigation, we get (not so) veiled threats from the Republican senators telling 'their' witnesses that if they change their stories that they ( the Republican senators)  will persecute them for purgery! Jail time!

This from an obstructionist party that refused to even discuss nominating a Supreme Court Justice. 

Yeah, this really makes me believe that Brett Kavanaugh is qualified to be an honest, impartially blind to the Constitution, Supreme Court Judge

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Trump Accuses Google Of An Anti-Trump Bias

President Trump has accused Google of having an anti-Trump bias because when his name is Googled sometimes news sources like CNN pop up first.

Because of this, the president claims, the fake news/ left wing media's agenda is given preference over the right leaning media like FOX News.

This gotcha moment is telling on just how well the president's propaganda program against the press is working.

In many people's eyes any news outlet that, like Fox News and Alex Jones' looney tunes, Info Wars, that isn't blatantly and blindly Pro Trump, is considered 'leftist and fake news.

Of course, it is reasonable to assume that not every media outlet that tries to be reasonably unbiased with their news reporting can be considered leftist and fake.

But when the majority of the American public - both liberal and conservative- just blindly accept these terminologies, this just shows how well Trump's propaganda machine is working.


Now, now knowing this: Why are you still watching this propaganda bullshit?!?

Sunday, August 26, 2018

OSU: Urban Meyer vs. Jim Jordan

As an Ohio State fan, I have to admit that they have an abysmal record : abysmal - when it comes to integrity.

It seems every other year some kind of scandal covers one OSU program or another.

Yes, some are B.S. and some are overblown. And, yes, with competition within the high-powered schools, and the hype that goes along with such, I acknowledge that rules are being bent until some are broken on almost every college campus.

But, this in itself is not in anyway an excuse for any college getting away with misdeeds, up to including - especially including - The Ohio State University.

Okay, so just when is a coach responsible for the protection of other people from the actions of the staff and players under his regime?

Whether you believe that Urban Meyer's punishment was either too lenient or too severe, everyone believes that an assistant coach's day to day job is more 'hands on' to the players he is responsible for than any head coach's.

That is why what Urban knew and did not know about his assistant coach Zech Smith is so important. Loyalty is one thing, but allowing kids - KIDS! - to put their trust and faith in someone whom is unworthy of such trust is appalling.

This is where congressman Jim Jordan comes into play.

As an assistant wrestling coach, Mr. Jordan probably had to had heard the scuttlebutt about how hands on the team doctor, Dr.Richard Strauss could be. Maybe, being part of the team, he had first hand knowledge. 

If, if, if, if, if.

If Urban Meyer knew. If Jim Jordan knew.

Whether you agree with it or not, Urban Meyer has been thoroughly investigated and punished.

Jim Jordan has not.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

The Anti-American Right WrongRight

Mussolini made the trains run on time.
There, I said it.
Yes, the economy is doing great; unemployment is at a decades long low.

What good is it to gain the world and lose your soul?

The cultural divide amongst Trump supporters and anti-Trump warriors seems to be FOX the Fake News channel. Very few Trump supporters do not watch FOX ( or Rush or Mr. Jones). Very few anti-Trump warriors do.

I am a Bible reader. I have read various versions numerous times ( though this in itself does not get me one step closer to salvation). I mention this because - though try as I may not to - when reading the Old Testament laws and listening to the Old Testament prophets speak of what one should NOT do to incur God's wrath, I see Trump's tweets and his GOP policies that do the exact things that are said one should NOT do.

This is America. Everyone has the Constitutional right to believe [ or not believe]  as they so choose. This being said, America lives and breathes its Judeo-Christian values. Be kind to the resident alien for you were once aliens in a foreign land yourselves. Feed the poor. An honest wage for honest work. Use honest scales. Do not sacrifice to The Lord with tainted meat. Do not put your trust in your armies, but in The Lord.

While history will have the last word, Trump's bullying of the our allies and his acquiescing to our traditional enemies is more befuddling than anything else. But one wonders if moves like returning sanctions to Iran had less to do with their nuclear weapons program and more to do with Iran's oil production cutting into Saudi Arabia's oil pricing. Could this pacifying genuflecting be the cause of the Saudis recent boldness towards Canada? What is Trump's logic on this? Is he being coerced? Whose interests besides his own is president Trump concerned about?

The Trump train is not easily derailed by the facts. They are the anti-P.C.ers, that is until someone takes a stance different than their own. They call for free speech, then ridicule the lame stream media. They call their fellow citizens libtard snowflakes then cry and boohoo about how unfair American life has become for them. They have control of all three branches of our government, yet blame everyone but themselves for all of our woes and hate our government. They want free trade then praise tariffs. They hate immigrants, but are unwilling or unable to do their jobs ( we are having record breaking low unemployment... whose jobs are they taking anyway? ).

Finally,  it used to be said that Americans could strongly disagree with what other Americans were saying, but would fight to the death for their right to say it. Our president, by definition, is our leader. In other words we follow his lead. President Trump is not leading by unifying,  but through division. I question if he is even leading at all, but is leaving the FOX in control of the hen house. Typically, with Trump, he who complains about the FAKE News lamestream media is being controlled by it.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Points To Ponder

This is what I was thinking:

Donald Trump's decision to reimpose sanctions on Iraq has nothing to do with its nuclear program. I believe it has everything to do with Iraq's oil production lowering the price of Saudi Arabia oil prices. Funny how our gas prices keep going up, now.

If you want proof (or at least strong circumstantial evidence) that the Russians interfered in our last presidential election look no further then little tidbit. It's no secret that Trump won just enough Electoral College votes to take the election. Now, think about this. How could the professional pole takers hit it so far off the mark on their predictions? With computer algorithms and such, do you really, really think that it was even vaguely possible for the whole pole taking community to all be that totally wrong?!?

And, lastly, think of this. What is morality? Is it relevant? Does being honest with those you love matter any more? Who are you going to be honest with? Google's watching. Facebook is watching. God is watching. Santa Claus is watching. Fox News is watching.

It's all us. It is all on us. If we let fear rule. If we let hatred win, we have no one but ourselves to blame. Root for the underdog. Screw the man. Live free or die.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

President Trump is saying that if you don't stand for the National Anthem that you shouldn't get paid.

Is he just Putin us on?

Monday, July 16, 2018

Trump Tomatoes

After today's mess, I overheard a person at work say to one of his fellow employees that it's time to start throwing tomatoes at president Trump... and he was a Republican.

The other person said that wasting food was sinful.

You can't make this stuff up.

Thursday, July 05, 2018

Donald Trump's Achilles Heel: His Legacy

I honestly hope that president Donald Trump lives past 120 years old and has a long, healthy and happy life.

But, sooner or later we all have to think about our legacy, and Donald Trump is no different.

What we leave behind to others may not be important to some of us, but most presidents are remembered [ or not remembered ] by their accomplishments, or lack thereof.

So far, in my opinion,  the president's legacy will be as one of America's worse- and therefore- most forgettable commanders-in-chief.

Yes, while he is getting what is his, his astonishing Bizarro world choices seem to shout that once he is but a memory, and Mr. Trump has acquiescenced to those left behind him, his brand will be divided up and fall on to hard times.

As his legion of fans grow older, most will claim that, no, they didn't vote for the man. No, though he claimed thousands of promises, he redeemed none except those that helped himself.

Abraham Lincoln once supposedly stated: You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” 

And my Mom used to say," It all comes out in the wash."

A confluence of the two could leave a devastating legacy for Mr. Trump.

It may not be as bad as the Ghost of Christmas future showing The Donald his famed Trump towers being rebranded with the Kushner name. However, Mr. Trump's legacy as president may leave a brown stain of its own.

And that stain could be this. If president Trump does not stop governing via tweets- if he doesn't start creating actual policies that lead his administration to act in the people's best interests...

...well, they say that a picture is worth a thousand words. So here are several. If things don't change, this is how president Trump will probably be remembered by the American people:

Instead of this way:

Monday, February 26, 2018


Hey, Ammosexual, I know, I know that you love your AR-15 { and other semi-automatic weapons}. But what are they to you really? You can't hunt with them. It's overkill to protect your family and home with them { unless you want to shoot up both your and your neighbor's homes}.

Here's what they are: your favorite toy. You take it out to the shooting range, or you go out to the farm or quarry, and have a blast.

So, you are willing to let your sons and daughters die for a fucking toy!?!

A fucking toy!

Shame on you.

Sunday, February 25, 2018


Hey, Marco Rubio, we get it. You are firmly in the NRA's pocket. No matter what your constituents think, you can't afford to have their best interests at heart. You aren't going to do anything concerning gun control.
But, hey, you can still do something. How about using federal money for drones to patrol school grounds? What about gun safety classes in schools? Hell... forcefields... kung fu... anything!
Just don't let the discussion totally end with, 'Ya ain't taking' away my toys, yo.'
Man up, dude!
Do something:anything!

Monday, February 19, 2018


Dear Mr. Trump, before you throw the FBI under the bus and blame them for the Florida shooter, remember whose hat that filthy animal was wearing.

Mr. Trump, please explain why this murderer would be wearing your hat, and how you feel about it.

#HEYTrump/ #ExplainTheHat

Sunday, February 18, 2018


Those saying in multiple ways that guns don't kill - people do, are being very disingenuous. While they quote their accolades to their love of weapons,  they offer no alternative solutions to ending mass shootings. They are just watering down the discussion - virtually destroying any attempt at finding a way to eliminate this violence.

This method of obstruction stalls any meaningful solutions to ending these tragedies: basically, by doing so, hinting that the only solution is banning guns.

I offer a word of heavy caution to the NRA brothers and sisters. Before it is too late, start offering other solutions than banning guns. Put your money where your mouth is. Be part of stopping this horror.

If you don't, soon it will be way too late, and 2nd Amendment or no 2nd Amendment American's guns will be taken away.


Sunday, December 17, 2017

Happy 28th Birthday to Nikolas, Tyler & Adam
Robyn with the birthday boys
This is what I wrote in my journal 28 years ago today:

12/17/89 Sunday

Robyn still has some dampness inn her panties . We took no chances and called Dr. Zarlingo who said it might be nothing, but might be her water breaking. He said to see 'if  it persists', and if it does to go to the hospital.

Mom and Dad Stahler had to leave because the Millers are coming in from Aspen - Grammy will need their support (both Millers & Stahlers) because she loved Aunt Jane so much.

Mom & Dad Wunderle come down during the 1st quarter of the Browns-Vikings game.I was supposed to go with Greg and Ted to the game, but decided since Robyn's water might me breaking not to to go.

Sara called and said since Robyn's fluid did not smell it probably was her amniotic fluid/ her water- so at 1/2 time Robyn and I decide that we would go to the hospital after the game. The Browns won in overtime 23-17 with a fake field goal, so we headed to Akron General . Left at 5:30 pm.

Since we had called Dr. Zarlingo first,they were ready for Robyn and took her to labor. They checked Robyn in the stirrups to see where her cervix was, and to see if her water broke. It was hard and very uncomfortable on Robyn, but the doctor got the job done.

The doctor left the room and ROBYN'S WATER BROKE. I called the nurse (named Sandy) back in and they put three heart monitors on Robyn.

The doctor came back in and said that they were going to admit Robyn but not take the babies unless infection or if Robyn went into heavy labor. Robyn very soon went into contractions-around 3 1/2  minutes - from beginning of contraction to the beginning of the next- apart.

The labor room doctor said she was waiting for Dr. Zarlingo and that because of the contractions they were going to take the babies by C-section.

They took Robyn away to give her a spinal and I had tot dress up to be in the room with her. Finally around 9:50 or so I was asked to come into the operating room. There was a tent over Robyn starting at the top of her chest. She only had feelings in her outstretched hands and head.

Dr. Zarlingo pulled our first baby boy out it it looked beautiful. It was blue and shiny and moving it's hands and feet as breath came into it. Then, Sean Nikolas started crying and both Robyn and I felt choked up and overjoyed.

Soon, Jacob Tyler- our largest- came out and then rambunctious Ryan Adam was born. They called me to see them (the room was really warm). I touched them and saw the individual medical teams from Children's Hospital look after them. I-satisfied that the babies were in great hands - went back to be with Robyn.

The last baby was born at 10:07 ( it sure didn't take long), but it took over an hour to sew her back up.( She had a cold & couldn't breath out of her nose and was thirsty.) 

While they were finishing sewing Robyn back up they brought Jacob Tyler in for Robyn to see. And then, Babies to Children's - Robyn to post-op.

Robyn fully awake in post-op rested while I got out my black book and made our phone calls. Everyone was overjoyed. - Robyn fought for every piece of ice she could get because her mouth was so dry. I showed her the Polaroids of Tyler and Adam (Nik was taken away before the camera).

Dad Wunderle and Greg dropped in around 1:00 am and waited with me until Robyn was put into her hospital room. We saw her looking more beautiful then I have ever saw her and she told me to go see our babies. Robyn I LOVE U.

Greg, Dad and I went to Children's and we saw Robyn and my babies. Greg VCRed it. We saw Tyler first, then Adam and then Nikolas.

Nik was the smallest 2 lb. 5 oz. 15" but needing no oxygen (and looking just like Robyn -full head of black hair.) Tyler was the biggest 3 lb. 8 1/2 oz. 17" long full head of black hair long everything arms-legs torso. And then Adam was the one that cried the most and was the most rambunctious 3 lb. 1 oz. 16 3/4 "  

At four a.m. Dad and I got home where overjoyed Mom gave us chili and Dad and I drank a beer and went to bed.

10 + 

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

How Trump Crossed The Pontius Pilate Line

I am not of the opinion that Mr. Donald Trump is a lonewolf political outsider. Mr. Trump has either bought or borrowed some of the best right wing talking heads that money and power can purchase.

In a country divided by the FOX/ Limbaugh propaganda hate machine  ( come on, even you have to admit that the country is divided exactly between the 'You Deciders' and the 'Lame Main Streamers'), which I like to refer to as the : Pontius Pilate line.

The truth? What is the truth?

Granted, I myself, at first, was quite befuddled why the Bible would allow Pilate to imply that the truth could be politically manipulated just after Jesus vowed to be the truth.

It seemed such a contradiction. If Jesus was the truth how could He be anything but?

And then it hit me. It wasn't exactly reading between the lines. It wasn't deciphering hidden messages. It was rock bottom.

The truth of Pontius Pilate was that of deception. Any junkie would know that. 'I can handle just one more drink.' 'I'll repay Grandma just as soon as I get back on my feet.' 'I'm just saying this little lie to save their feelings.' 'I can quit at any time.'

What is the truth? Whatever you want it to be.

But everybody that has hit rock bottom knows the deeper truth that Jesus was talking about. The truth that if you keep bullshitting yourself, you are going to die.

But that is only half the trick. This truth brings clarity. When lies and deception are dissolved away, to paraphrase the Bible  there are three things that remain: hope, faith & love.

For someone that has none, it can be argued that there is nothing better than hope. Hope against hope. If you don't believe you can make it, man, hoping you can make it to  the next moment can be a life saver.

Surviving enough of these hopeful moments can lead to something beyond hope. Faith. I've survived this before, I have faith that I can do it again.

I'll leave it up to you to discover how this links up to love. Suffice it to say, that believing in a higher power than yourself can ultimately expose the higher truth.

Which brings us back to the Pontius Pilate line. The way I see it the addict in us all wants to buy the bullshit that makes us comfortable. At this point we have to ask if the dealer is our friend? The way I see it while the dealer does seem the make us feel good, in reality he's cutting the product with junk and poison.

What we think is comforting us is in in reality poisoning us.

God damn the pusher man.

Now, let me make this plain as day. I am talking not about the lower echelon pusher. I am talking about the kingpin... the creme La Creme: FOX News and it's second, Rush Limbaugh.

God damn the pusher man.

FOX News is the god damn kingpin. It's Tv ratings nearly double it's nearest competitor, and its radio network has no competition. And especially powerful in their main demographics, Which is far as I can see in my limited capacity that demographic skews to a younger audience.

And they are hooked on this junk. This stuff has been sliced clean. The truth? What is the truth? Do the junkies know? Do they even care?

Most junkies don't.

Let's take a jab at a story of a atypical heroin addict.How does this junkie get started on the down hill journey?

Either through bad luck or bad life choices our victim gets addicted to oxycodone, perhaps even overmedicated enough to need the medicine after the medicine was actually no longer needed.

And then it is cut off.

Some people say that we are all only three bad choices away from ruin and our friend here has just struck out. To find his supposed comfort zone bad luck turns to criminal intent and bingo, we have a junkie.

While not a perfect analogy for the FOX News junkie, as with any user the fix becomes more important than the quality of the high, the bum-Rush ,the FOX fix. Any lie is accepted as an excuse to partake.

Complete 180° turns in opinion are acceptable...yea ol' bait and switch...every thing against those they preach against all the time is the norm. Dissenters are marginalized. This maybe ok when you are just hitting the bottom dweller, but when the junk starts moving up the food chain, larger problems occur.

When the user relies strictly on the dealer, anything the man sells the addict starts buying. Those that oppose any ideas other than the pusher's are cut out. 30 year congressmen that have the audacity to agree with the opponent is cut off of their stash. Thanks to their ever expanding territory, gerrymandering expands the cartels power. Funding is cut off, and Congress gains a T-party stooge guaranteed to win the primary, thus an easy victory in the firmly controlled general election.

 Power is solidified and only the cream of the crop have true power. Only the upper 0.1% have true say. America be damned / god damn the pusher man.

And Pontius Pilate has his day.And instead of a democracy, we have an oligarchy...and the complacency junkies shout out prayers-worshiping their fix masters all the way up the food chain no matter how bad things get.

Suddenly, as often happens with Pontius Pilate truth,when the lie becomes the truth, things start going south. In the search for rock bottom things get mucked up in the stirred up mud.

The higher truth becomes the biggest liar. Conditions become ripe for the king of lies.

Hello...Donald Trump.

Buyers keep selling because without their products main customers, the powers that be would start losing all, and slowly realize that they have to get in line or lose everything.

This is the Republican party right now. Sinking slowly, and now power junkies themselves heading willingly towards rock bottom.

How do I know this? Because Donald Trump does not and will not play their game. He is selling a better product, and the people are buying.

There is a new kingpin in town & they all know.

Perhaps, I am wrong and Mr. Trump will surprise us all and cut the junkies and their pusher masters off at the tit and bring sobriety back to the land.

But the only way I see him doing that is by sinking America to to the absolute rock bottom. All signs seem to point that way. His opposition has already been gathering into the fold.Not thinking about tomorrow, not even of today, but only the next fix.

I don't know, maybe this the only way that America is now ever going to be able to cross over the Pontius Pilate line onto the real truth, the real light, the true way of which Jesus spoke.

I hope and pray that it is not.

As for me and my house, we will serve The Lord.