Thursday, July 05, 2018

Donald Trump's Achilles Heel: His Legacy

I honestly hope that president Donald Trump lives past 120 years old and has a long, healthy and happy life.

But, sooner or later we all have to think about our legacy, and Donald Trump is no different.

What we leave behind to others may not be important to some of us, but most presidents are remembered [ or not remembered ] by their accomplishments, or lack thereof.

So far, in my opinion,  the president's legacy will be as one of America's worse- and therefore- most forgettable commanders-in-chief.

Yes, while he is getting what is his, his astonishing Bizarro world choices seem to shout that once he is but a memory, and Mr. Trump has acquiescenced to those left behind him, his brand will be divided up and fall on to hard times.

As his legion of fans grow older, most will claim that, no, they didn't vote for the man. No, though he claimed thousands of promises, he redeemed none except those that helped himself.

Abraham Lincoln once supposedly stated: You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” 

And my Mom used to say," It all comes out in the wash."

A confluence of the two could leave a devastating legacy for Mr. Trump.

It may not be as bad as the Ghost of Christmas future showing The Donald his famed Trump towers being rebranded with the Kushner name. However, Mr. Trump's legacy as president may leave a brown stain of its own.

And that stain could be this. If president Trump does not stop governing via tweets- if he doesn't start creating actual policies that lead his administration to act in the people's best interests...

...well, they say that a picture is worth a thousand words. So here are several. If things don't change, this is how president Trump will probably be remembered by the American people:

Instead of this way:

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