Saturday, September 21, 2024

FOX In Cahoots With The Democrats

[ In a world just like ours, except that Fox News is in cahoots with the Democrats. ]

announcer: You're watching FOX. It is 9:10 O'clock. Do you know where your daughters are?

Now back to The Seth Meyers Report.

Seth Myers: In our last last news story, Ex president Donald Trump was on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls. He was giving a speech in the tunnel behind the falls. The Don upped the Auntie on his anti-abortion stance in a big way.

I guess we knew this was coming. But, pow, pop, this just blows me away.

Video of D.T. Speaking: Religion: I love, love, love religion. Hate abortion. I hate abortion so much / love religion. How's this, this, this, the Democrats won't like, they'll say Donald went too far on this, but I don't think so.

Listen unless a baby is born, unless a baby is baptized I, right here, I'm putting  the baby up to the waters behind the falls. To Baptize. 

Like right here. Hold them in the Falls, that would be great. Hold them in the Falls to be baptized ... the baby's not alive... this poor little tiny tiny little baby boy or girl baby is not alive to the world of sin and only lives when it's  baptized.

So my stance.  My stance. Not my political opinion Unless the baby the beautiful baby unless the baby is baptized within 8

8 days. We'll give 8 days... it's the same as an abortion.  The same! The baby's dead to me. We will make it the law. That both mothers and fathers to be arrested for murder of their child. 

It should be the law: Can't have dead babies walking around. 

I will set it to law on Day One. We can use the Mormon Church. Or Any Church. 

back to Seth: This lunatic rant could only come from Donald Trump. 

The Mormon church!?! Where'd He get that?

With any other presidential candidate this would be the leading story for the next week but for trump, things are about to get a little bigger.

For more on the story here's, 'A Closer Look'

You would assume to think assigning, 'The' state religion to the Latter-Day Saints would be the big story of the week for Trump.

But it's small potatoes to the 'supposed' Second assassination attempt on the former president.

I say 'suppose' because, to some, the ass in the bushes, hiding there for 12 hours- just for a chance to get toTrump story-seems ridiculous. Especially when Trump just decided at that spur of the moment to play a round, there.

It can be claimed that the man wasn't even after Trump but just a homeless guy with a gun.

On a sidebar-camera two: It says a lot about how Americans treat the homeless, that a homeless man with the gun can park beside a golf course for hours on end with no one checking in on him- just saying.

 camera one: Yes, shots were fired; there were s fired by the police to draw out the perpetrator.

If you ever wondered if the news you watch is fake...if you ever wanted to know if it's propaganda. Here's how: Where are all the conspiracy theorists on this? Where is Alex Jones?

 I mean if you take a long look at the supposed assassination attempt, it's sort of looks like actors, doesn't it ?

Shots are fired. The president's ear is bleeding... and the people in the stands are just standing there. Look I know it's real, but where are the photos of the injured people or the man that died?

 In this age of everyone has a camera, is there even a single shot or photo anywhere on the web of the victims?

I pray for the victims, but even Kennedy's assassination had photographs: movies! Heck, Kent State!

Where's the footage? Where's the complete newscast stories of the killer? 

Come On!

School shootings- these well documented horrific events are called fake. Nothing but actors. 

But no conspiracy theories on this one? What too easy, Alex? Like shooting fish in a barrel. Okay okay, I retract the fish in the barrel an allergy.

Here's the thing.

Here's the thing. If your news calls, 'school shootings,' fake, but, hey, Donald's Trump with his ear's all better, real, how can you not question the attempts to kill the candidate -your candidate-as anything but fake? Staged?

It maybe just maybe,be propaganda. 

And here's the thing: Trump himself is a conspiracy theorist.

Donald Trump is a case of  just how low you can go? This, 'how low.' Anyone else would be arrested and condemned for being higher than this-low low.

Donald Trump brought 9/11 denier Lorna Loomer to the Ground Zero September 11th remembrance ceremonies!

Bringing a 9/11 denier to the sacred site on this sacred day is blasphemy and an insult!

Trump might as well have been saying, "I have to be here, but I believe as former president, that 9/11 was an inside job.

 It's an insult.

Look at it like this:

Donald Trump comes home to Mar Largo on his wedding anniversary to his bride, Melina, with Stormy Daniels in his arms.

"Don't worry, Melina. Happy Anniversary. Could you go and make some popcorn for Me & Stormy."

Donald Trump sits down on the couch with Stormy, and puts his arm around her. He starts groping her.

"Hurry along Melina or you'll miss the beginning of our wedding video."



Donald Trump bringing a 9/11 denier to Ground Zero, 'On September 9/11, IS THAT BAD!

Why isn't anyone totally upset about this? Why? It's a total, total, total, total insult to that tragic day. 

What...would ...compell him to do it?

Ok. Settle down.  Here's this. 

What if Laura Loomer is blackmailing The Donald? 

All she'd have to say is,  "Darling, I don't care if they were trying to shoot you or not.

"But, I will conspire the shit out of it. You don't want me to do that do you? No telling what I might find."

"And if I still refuse?"

"You wouldn't want to do that. No telling what I'd find."

Taking a denier on the most sacred day, to this most sacred place: September 9th at Ground Zero, doesn't sit well with me. I don't think even being  baptized in the whole Mist of the back of Niagara Falls wouldn't save him. But we can hope. Right? 

This has been a closer look.

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