Sunday, January 10, 2021

Doomed At D.C.

 -Why do most Trumpsters consider the election fraudulent? Mail in ballots

-Why were mail in ballots a thing this election? The covid virus.

-Why was the virus so bad that we had to use mail in ballots?

- Because Trump downplayed the virus. Called it fake. Gone by Easter. A Democratic  hoax. Held rallies. Refused to wear a mask.

-Was the virus real? According to Trump's own words and actions: Yes. There are very early on recordings of Trump privately stating how bad the virus was. Trump claimed to downplay it because he did not want to panic the people or the stock market.

-But are the numbers real? Have over three hundred thousand American citizens really died from the virus? Trump has not questioned the numbers. In fact, he has said that the hundred of thousand numbers are lower than expected. Trump has claimed, more than a million Americans would be dead from the virus if not for him.

-So the world wide epidemic is real? Why mail in ballots? Are mail in ballots safe?

-There were real reasons for mail in/ absentee ballots before the pandemic. Safeguards were already in effect. Trump had already voted by mail many times before this election. If you have asked for an absentee ballot special procedures are in place so you if you go to vote in person, you can't. You can't. 

-Then why the rigmarole against it? That is the $64,000.00 question. You might as well ask why Trump demanded the removal of automatic mail sorting machines? Why make postal workers job harder? Why would someone that has used absentee voting condemn it during a pandemic? 

- Why would he? The same reason he downplayed the Covid 19 pandemic. So Trump could put the validity of the election in doubt in the mind of his fan base.

- Couldn't Trump have demanded compliance to combating the virus, saved lives, and won the election in a landslide-a hero? Yes, Trump could had fought like hell to keep America great in keeping covid at bay. But that path was not guaranteed. That would have meant talking to the whole country and not just his base. Creating doubt about it enough to control his base was imperative in order to create a need for mail in ballots. Trump then could create the false narrative that mail in ballots could be fraudulent. 

- That's crazy talk. Yes, half the country has been bamboozled. But Trump couldn't have done this con job by himself. Fox News. Twitter, Facebook, Rush Limbaugh numerous state and federal officials feeding into the Trump frenzy to get there share. Every day ordinary Americans willing to buy into this because they like the style of hatred preached by the right wing media are at fault. Our democracy is bleeding dry now by liberal democrats willing to accept this narrative as normal. 

-Are we beyond repair? Judging by the inglorious responses on this thread and others, most Trumpsters don't want democracy to succeed. They are more loyal and patriotic to Trump than to our country. 


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