Saturday, January 05, 2019

Here's An Idea... Or Two...Or Three

I think Trump shutting down the government for his fantasy wall shows not only his win at any cost (no matter how frivolous the contest) mentality but, also his delusional grandiose mental illness.

Or to put into words his fans can understand: Trump is batshit crazy and is aiming our boat right towards that giant iceberg!

Think about it. Didn't Trump say that the Mexicans were going to build the wall? Isn't that one of his MAGA slogans? Isn't that one of the, 'because you'll buy anything,'pitches that helped him get elected?

Since when are Americans Mexicans? Why should I root for Trump to build this crazy fantasy never gonna happen wall? Billion dollars of our cash?  Our taxes? What's next? The money Congress okays for this giant white elephant will really go for improvements to Mar a Lago, or hush money so he can build a Trump tower in Russia?

As Spock would say, "Building the wall is highly illogical."

Anyone for this massive government shutdown is either a wall contractor or batshit crazy as he is.

Now... building a giant forcefield across the border... that's an idea I can get behind!

In other news...

Facebook is making billions selling our data to whomever wants it. Not only is this an invasion of our privacy, but where is our take? Where is our share of the money? I mean, it is our data. Shouldn't we be getting 2/3 of the $$$ derived from it?

Seriously, this is highway robbery, dude.

And lastly...

For a reason totally beyond my own comprehension, when I think of President Trump, I am reminded of this story from the 4th chapter of the book of Daniel:

King Nebuchadnezzar, will have his human mind taken away and will eat grass like an ox. This comes to pass, and at the end of his punishment Nebuchadnezzar praises God. 

Was Daniel prophesizing what was going to happen to Donald Trump? Will the Donald become vegan and find religion?

Hmmm... maybe.

Remember,  you heard it here first.

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