Sunday, January 20, 2019


You've seen the Catholic kid in the MAGA hat dissing the native American Vietnam veteran. Some say he was baited by black Muslims into it (black Hebrews?). Some say the full video justifies this punk and his fellow MAGA students and allows them their ridicule.

Yeah, I know,whining is a MAGA call sign to justify almost anything. Snowflakes on steroids. That's the way MAGA-cians are taught. The art of the deal is just another way of claiming playing fair is for pussies.

But, enough of this Pontius Pilate excuse making.

What would Jesus do? Why is it no surprise that Catholic kids wearing MAGA hats wouldn't even think of what would Jesus do?

Why is it every time I think about going back to the Catholic church the church gives me a reason not to?

MAGA is the exact opposite of WWJD.

And for the life of me I can't see how Christians can't see it.

Why do my fellow Christians choose FOX News' hate filled propaganda?

Why do my fellow Christians choose to believe president Trump's selfish claims of deceptions and lies?

And believe me, they choose to.

It's like they no longer care what Jesus would do. They would rather make America great again... whatever that means.

They choose hate over love.

They choose a man that claimed he could kill a man in the middle of a busy street and not lose any popularity over it over the man that allowed himself to be nailed to a cross to die for our sins.

I wish it was just their personal belief in the separation of church and state. But going to a church sponsored pro-life rally wearing MAGA hats sort of screams against that.

As for me, I choose The Lord. How do I help make America great again? By asking: What would Jesus do?

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