Sunday, August 26, 2018

OSU: Urban Meyer vs. Jim Jordan

As an Ohio State fan, I have to admit that they have an abysmal record : abysmal - when it comes to integrity.

It seems every other year some kind of scandal covers one OSU program or another.

Yes, some are B.S. and some are overblown. And, yes, with competition within the high-powered schools, and the hype that goes along with such, I acknowledge that rules are being bent until some are broken on almost every college campus.

But, this in itself is not in anyway an excuse for any college getting away with misdeeds, up to including - especially including - The Ohio State University.

Okay, so just when is a coach responsible for the protection of other people from the actions of the staff and players under his regime?

Whether you believe that Urban Meyer's punishment was either too lenient or too severe, everyone believes that an assistant coach's day to day job is more 'hands on' to the players he is responsible for than any head coach's.

That is why what Urban knew and did not know about his assistant coach Zech Smith is so important. Loyalty is one thing, but allowing kids - KIDS! - to put their trust and faith in someone whom is unworthy of such trust is appalling.

This is where congressman Jim Jordan comes into play.

As an assistant wrestling coach, Mr. Jordan probably had to had heard the scuttlebutt about how hands on the team doctor, Dr.Richard Strauss could be. Maybe, being part of the team, he had first hand knowledge. 

If, if, if, if, if.

If Urban Meyer knew. If Jim Jordan knew.

Whether you agree with it or not, Urban Meyer has been thoroughly investigated and punished.

Jim Jordan has not.

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