Saturday, February 02, 2019

Texas Teachers Have To Sign Pledge To Isreal

According to this Newsweek article all teachers in the great state of Texas have to contractually pledge not to boycott Israel.

Make no mistake about this, this is a forced upon pledge that Texas teachers have to agree with in order to work in Texas.

This is horrifying.

For an entire profession in any state - in order to work - to be forced to take a pledge of allegiance to any foreign government(!) is so anti-American it boarders on treason.

An Israel is the classic example on why it is so wrong.

First off, I am pro Israel. That is besides the point. Let's just claim Israel to be the chosen people of God. That still makes this pledge wrong.

Here's why. The problem with pledging our allegiance with the chosen ones is...have you ever read the Bible?

Whenever Israel went against the will of God, because they are the children of God, God came down harder on them than He would on other peoples.

Not only that, God came down hard on those other nations that were involved with Israel's sin.

Is this really the position America wants to put itself in?

This is the problem in a nutshell with one sovereign nation making its citizens pledge an allegiance to another sovereign state... no matter how well intended.

This must stop.

We must not let our politicians put foreign policy above the freedom of us its citizens.

If not, what's next? A president that is an agent of Russia or Rush Limbaugh?

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