Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Trump Sheep

They say that knowledge is power, and ignorance is bless. That rebels have been rebels since I don't know when, but all she wants to do is dance, dance.

And it makes me think of Trump fans. Waving their rebel flags and wearing their Trump 2020 MAGA hats.

They are putting it to the man. They are tired of being told how to act, behave, think.

They are tired of the status quo. They are filled up with righteous indignation.

Or so they think.

Instead, they are just baying sheep.

There is nothing rebellious about their behavior. They 'are' being told what to think. They don't just want the status quo, they want to go backwards in time to the supposed way things used to be.

They are being told what to think and will not unthink what they are told no matter how little sense what they are told seems to make.

They are being led astray. Rebel flag and all.

Let's start with the truth (a good place to start). Jesus is the truth, the light and the way.

Now, I am not asking you to believe in Christ. Or to believe in any higher power. In America that is your free choice.

The separation of church and state.

Though, it is on our coins. And we swear (eventhough we are told not to swear) on the Bible in court.

Like the flag stands for a symbol of all we as Americans hold dear, meaning the Constitution, God/Jesus/the Holy Spirit is the figurehead of the ideals we are indentured to.

We live in a Judeo Christian society after all.

All this basically means is that American forefathers got plenty of our country's foundation from Jewish scripture and the New Testament. Not all, by far. But even the lines drawn against these values were created by the retaliation of these values.

They did not want a religious/ political government. No more Kings dressed as religious icons. No more persecution for not believing correctly.

All men are created equal is the exact retaliation to this kind of system. No man should rule another because he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

Not that these diverse elders all lived by this motto. But that was why the Constitution and the Bill of Rights were created.

If it isn't created exactly right now,  give the people the continuous power to change it.

Love the law. But make the law created for man, not man for the law.

We hold these truths to be self evident. It is by these words that the gist of America's Declaration Of Independence is based.

For the truth will set you free.

But today's media kings wants to entangle the truth in a web of lies. And today's president can say whatever he wants to in order to ensnare the truth in a Pontius Pilate style propaganda trap.

I am constantly being told by president Trump supporters that what the president said is not what he meant. That he was joking. That I am being too literal.

That puts both the Trump supporter and myself in an awkward position. They believe nothing he says, while me, myself, while not in anyway riding on the Trump train, take him at his very word, and believe what he says.

By some accounts,  Mr. Trump, in his time of office, has told over 10,000 lies.


This would make him the President of lies!
 Or to put it in more biblical terms: the prince of lies!

Why would Mr. Trump lie so much that while calling him the best president ever, all of his supporters don't believe a word he says?

Because the truth has become irrelevant to his supporters. President Trump has become like a tribalist cult leader. His followers no longer have to hold themselves accountable. They no longer have to check themselves. They no longer have to be civil.

That is the gist of Trumpism. His supporters are being told that society rules are nothing but political correctness crap.

But in reality, they are being told that being inclusive to those not like themselves is an erasure of their own rights and beliefs.

Speak English! Be barefoot and pregnant. Be straight.

On one hand, the political right is telling them that it is ok to 'come out'. To be proud of who you are and what you stand for. While on the other hand, explaining that this means shoving others back into their place.

And it feels good to be this liberated. No longer having to be nice to their gay niece,  or their Arab neighbors. No longer having to quietly let the 'Mexicans' take their jobs.

Never mind that they like their gay niece, their Arab neighbors and their Mexican counterparts. It's the idea that takes hold.

Soon, the idea, that if you are not with us you are against us brings on Christ like meaning...and come on... Christ did say it.

But He also said that those that are not against us are with us. Just who is your neighbor? The one that went out of their way to treat you kindly.

The exact opposite of what they are being taught!

Hate is not necessarily bad unto itself. In my opinion,  I believe it is justified to hate injustice, to hate seeing people going hungry.

But the truth is that Jesus prayed for those that were against him. Forgave those that were against him. He fed the hungry. He cured the ill. He helped the foreigner. He taught to love.

I see the opposite today in the Trump crowd.




They are being twisted into a nihilistic mold. They are becoming nepotistic drones. Me. Me. Me.

Yet, not truly in their own interests.

The very act of only acting upon what they are told to think goes against the very act of self preservation.

When the very idea that the truth is meaningless, and that being right simply means never admitting that you are ever wrong, things can quickly go astray.

My country right or wrong can only be defined as following your leaders willingly and blindly into any void the powers that be choose to send you.

This makes these leaders not just careless, but ruthless. When you are easily controlled why should your interests be of any particular value?

CEOs can make in half a day what their average worker makes in a year, and the workers will agree that the company cannot compete because the workers make too much money.

Citizens will be told that they have a right to free speech,  but any citizens dumb enough to actually stand up (or kneel down) against what they see as an injustice will be condemned for talking against the system built exactly for them to stand up (or kneel).

The best term that I can think of to call this interesting phenomena is tribal socialism.

And a good comparison to it is the Catholic church... an infallible leader that can do no wrong...strength within because anyone that breaks with the tribe is ostracized...blind faith.

I can go on. But I won't.

And I am not necessarily calling the Catholic Church bad. Besides it's pope, it has thousands of years of religious doctrine. It has Jesus.

But I am not calling being on the Trump train good. In fact, the opposite.

Turning not just a blind eye, but also a blind hardened heart to love a leader at all cost-flag waving- group thinking- hate spewing is the exact thing American was build to destroy.

All men are created equal. A right to a fair trial. Freedom to speak your mind. Freedom to worship- or not to worship- as you so desire.

With president Trump America is at a turning point. Will patriotism turn to fascism? Will democracy turn to nazism?

Will the all mighty dollar supplant the idea of the Almighty?

Maybe rebels have been rebels since I don't know when, but all she wants to do is dance, dance. But you have to fight for your right to party.

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