Wednesday, October 12, 2016

How Trump Crossed The Pontius Pilate Line

I am not of the opinion that Mr. Donald Trump is a lonewolf political outsider. Mr. Trump has either bought or borrowed some of the best right wing talking heads that money and power can purchase.

In a country divided by the FOX/ Limbaugh propaganda hate machine  ( come on, even you have to admit that the country is divided exactly between the 'You Deciders' and the 'Lame Main Streamers'), which I like to refer to as the : Pontius Pilate line.

The truth? What is the truth?

Granted, I myself, at first, was quite befuddled why the Bible would allow Pilate to imply that the truth could be politically manipulated just after Jesus vowed to be the truth.

It seemed such a contradiction. If Jesus was the truth how could He be anything but?

And then it hit me. It wasn't exactly reading between the lines. It wasn't deciphering hidden messages. It was rock bottom.

The truth of Pontius Pilate was that of deception. Any junkie would know that. 'I can handle just one more drink.' 'I'll repay Grandma just as soon as I get back on my feet.' 'I'm just saying this little lie to save their feelings.' 'I can quit at any time.'

What is the truth? Whatever you want it to be.

But everybody that has hit rock bottom knows the deeper truth that Jesus was talking about. The truth that if you keep bullshitting yourself, you are going to die.

But that is only half the trick. This truth brings clarity. When lies and deception are dissolved away, to paraphrase the Bible  there are three things that remain: hope, faith & love.

For someone that has none, it can be argued that there is nothing better than hope. Hope against hope. If you don't believe you can make it, man, hoping you can make it to  the next moment can be a life saver.

Surviving enough of these hopeful moments can lead to something beyond hope. Faith. I've survived this before, I have faith that I can do it again.

I'll leave it up to you to discover how this links up to love. Suffice it to say, that believing in a higher power than yourself can ultimately expose the higher truth.

Which brings us back to the Pontius Pilate line. The way I see it the addict in us all wants to buy the bullshit that makes us comfortable. At this point we have to ask if the dealer is our friend? The way I see it while the dealer does seem the make us feel good, in reality he's cutting the product with junk and poison.

What we think is comforting us is in in reality poisoning us.

God damn the pusher man.

Now, let me make this plain as day. I am talking not about the lower echelon pusher. I am talking about the kingpin... the creme La Creme: FOX News and it's second, Rush Limbaugh.

God damn the pusher man.

FOX News is the god damn kingpin. It's Tv ratings nearly double it's nearest competitor, and its radio network has no competition. And especially powerful in their main demographics, Which is far as I can see in my limited capacity that demographic skews to a younger audience.

And they are hooked on this junk. This stuff has been sliced clean. The truth? What is the truth? Do the junkies know? Do they even care?

Most junkies don't.

Let's take a jab at a story of a atypical heroin addict.How does this junkie get started on the down hill journey?

Either through bad luck or bad life choices our victim gets addicted to oxycodone, perhaps even overmedicated enough to need the medicine after the medicine was actually no longer needed.

And then it is cut off.

Some people say that we are all only three bad choices away from ruin and our friend here has just struck out. To find his supposed comfort zone bad luck turns to criminal intent and bingo, we have a junkie.

While not a perfect analogy for the FOX News junkie, as with any user the fix becomes more important than the quality of the high, the bum-Rush ,the FOX fix. Any lie is accepted as an excuse to partake.

Complete 180° turns in opinion are acceptable...yea ol' bait and switch...every thing against those they preach against all the time is the norm. Dissenters are marginalized. This maybe ok when you are just hitting the bottom dweller, but when the junk starts moving up the food chain, larger problems occur.

When the user relies strictly on the dealer, anything the man sells the addict starts buying. Those that oppose any ideas other than the pusher's are cut out. 30 year congressmen that have the audacity to agree with the opponent is cut off of their stash. Thanks to their ever expanding territory, gerrymandering expands the cartels power. Funding is cut off, and Congress gains a T-party stooge guaranteed to win the primary, thus an easy victory in the firmly controlled general election.

 Power is solidified and only the cream of the crop have true power. Only the upper 0.1% have true say. America be damned / god damn the pusher man.

And Pontius Pilate has his day.And instead of a democracy, we have an oligarchy...and the complacency junkies shout out prayers-worshiping their fix masters all the way up the food chain no matter how bad things get.

Suddenly, as often happens with Pontius Pilate truth,when the lie becomes the truth, things start going south. In the search for rock bottom things get mucked up in the stirred up mud.

The higher truth becomes the biggest liar. Conditions become ripe for the king of lies.

Hello...Donald Trump.

Buyers keep selling because without their products main customers, the powers that be would start losing all, and slowly realize that they have to get in line or lose everything.

This is the Republican party right now. Sinking slowly, and now power junkies themselves heading willingly towards rock bottom.

How do I know this? Because Donald Trump does not and will not play their game. He is selling a better product, and the people are buying.

There is a new kingpin in town & they all know.

Perhaps, I am wrong and Mr. Trump will surprise us all and cut the junkies and their pusher masters off at the tit and bring sobriety back to the land.

But the only way I see him doing that is by sinking America to to the absolute rock bottom. All signs seem to point that way. His opposition has already been gathering into the fold.Not thinking about tomorrow, not even of today, but only the next fix.

I don't know, maybe this the only way that America is now ever going to be able to cross over the Pontius Pilate line onto the real truth, the real light, the true way of which Jesus spoke.

I hope and pray that it is not.

As for me and my house, we will serve The Lord.

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