Saturday, August 11, 2018

The Anti-American Right WrongRight

Mussolini made the trains run on time.
There, I said it.
Yes, the economy is doing great; unemployment is at a decades long low.

What good is it to gain the world and lose your soul?

The cultural divide amongst Trump supporters and anti-Trump warriors seems to be FOX the Fake News channel. Very few Trump supporters do not watch FOX ( or Rush or Mr. Jones). Very few anti-Trump warriors do.

I am a Bible reader. I have read various versions numerous times ( though this in itself does not get me one step closer to salvation). I mention this because - though try as I may not to - when reading the Old Testament laws and listening to the Old Testament prophets speak of what one should NOT do to incur God's wrath, I see Trump's tweets and his GOP policies that do the exact things that are said one should NOT do.

This is America. Everyone has the Constitutional right to believe [ or not believe]  as they so choose. This being said, America lives and breathes its Judeo-Christian values. Be kind to the resident alien for you were once aliens in a foreign land yourselves. Feed the poor. An honest wage for honest work. Use honest scales. Do not sacrifice to The Lord with tainted meat. Do not put your trust in your armies, but in The Lord.

While history will have the last word, Trump's bullying of the our allies and his acquiescing to our traditional enemies is more befuddling than anything else. But one wonders if moves like returning sanctions to Iran had less to do with their nuclear weapons program and more to do with Iran's oil production cutting into Saudi Arabia's oil pricing. Could this pacifying genuflecting be the cause of the Saudis recent boldness towards Canada? What is Trump's logic on this? Is he being coerced? Whose interests besides his own is president Trump concerned about?

The Trump train is not easily derailed by the facts. They are the anti-P.C.ers, that is until someone takes a stance different than their own. They call for free speech, then ridicule the lame stream media. They call their fellow citizens libtard snowflakes then cry and boohoo about how unfair American life has become for them. They have control of all three branches of our government, yet blame everyone but themselves for all of our woes and hate our government. They want free trade then praise tariffs. They hate immigrants, but are unwilling or unable to do their jobs ( we are having record breaking low unemployment... whose jobs are they taking anyway? ).

Finally,  it used to be said that Americans could strongly disagree with what other Americans were saying, but would fight to the death for their right to say it. Our president, by definition, is our leader. In other words we follow his lead. President Trump is not leading by unifying,  but through division. I question if he is even leading at all, but is leaving the FOX in control of the hen house. Typically, with Trump, he who complains about the FAKE News lamestream media is being controlled by it.

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