This is what I was thinking:
Donald Trump's decision to reimpose sanctions on Iraq has nothing to do with its nuclear program. I believe it has everything to do with Iraq's oil production lowering the price of Saudi Arabia oil prices. Funny how our gas prices keep going up, now.
If you want proof (or at least strong circumstantial evidence) that the Russians interfered in our last presidential election look no further then little tidbit. It's no secret that Trump won just enough Electoral College votes to take the election. Now, think about this. How could the professional pole takers hit it so far off the mark on their predictions? With computer algorithms and such, do you really, really think that it was even vaguely possible for the whole pole taking community to all be that totally wrong?!?
And, lastly, think of this. What is morality? Is it relevant? Does being honest with those you love matter any more? Who are you going to be honest with? Google's watching. Facebook is watching. God is watching. Santa Claus is watching. Fox News is watching.
It's all us. It is all on us. If we let fear rule. If we let hatred win, we have no one but ourselves to blame. Root for the underdog. Screw the man. Live free or die.
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