Wednesday, June 08, 2016

An Open Letter To The Cleveland Cavaliers

Judging by Facebook, most totally in Cav fans have already given up any hope that you guys have any chance at winning the NBA championship.And why shouldn't they...they're Cleveland fans right?
We're Cleveland fans. We have The Catch, The Drive, The Fumble,the Shot, the Mistake on the Lake. Reality has made us seen things differently. We are forced to believe the truth: 2nd place is not the first loser: Giving up is losing.
The 1980's Cleveland Browns may have never won a Championship, but they were by far the most exciting team in football.
That is why us Cleveland fans lay claim to some of the best fans in professional sports. Championships alone do not make greatness.
Believing beyond hope. Fighting the greatest odds. Nevering saying die.These are life held values of fans of Cleveland sports
When we chant ,'Wait 'til next year!' It is not just a pacifying slogan, it is us fans wiping the blood from the corners of our mouth, getting back up, fist raised, ready for the next round.
Because we fight not only windmills, but dragons. We don't care what monster comes before us. We don't care the odds. We're going to make you earn it.
Sure,some franchises take advantage of this firm belief in never giving up (I'm talking to you Cleveland Browns ), but we don't care.
We're all in.
So, you go in there tonight, our Cleveland Cavaliers, and give it your 110%. You're from Cleveland. They may call us long suffering, but we know with no pain, there is gain. We never give in or give up.
Go Cavs!

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