Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Comic Of The Week

This very funny 'Tiny Sepuku' ,from Wednesday,January 10,asks the very hard question of whether love should hurt and then gives us the answer.It is the comic of the week.
'Tiny Sepuku is an advice comic strip. The name is a butchered spelling of the Japanese word "seppuku" which roughly means "sacrifice for the benefit of others". It began as a parody of Hello Kitty in 1997' (quote from the Tiny Sepuku website)

It is not often that I pick a Sunday strip for the comic of the week,but last Sunday's'[1/13/08]Stone Soup',by Jan Eliot,was this week's winning strip.Stone Soup is a fun strip about your somewhat normal American family....yes,I know,only if you consider now-a-days,single mom,extended family as a normal(like I do).It is one of my daily reads.

The strip is unique in the fact that the characters age slightly,and while some days the strip has a timeless quality to it,other days it seems fresh as today.One of the perks of the strip is the single mom,Val Stone's yearly book club meeting with female characters from other comic strips(Rose Is Rose,Cathy,Dilbert,For Better or Worse,Zits,etc).This book club is what originally brought me to the comic.The art is great(Do the other strip artists draw their characters?)...and it looks like this might be the only time we are going to met the whole book club this year(drat!).That is why this is the comic of the week.

This 'Brewster Rockit(by Tim Rickard)from Thursday,January 25 is the second place comic this week.It is both topical and LOL funny:-)

This week's best cartoon is this 'Candorville',by the amazing Darrin Bell.Not only is this Friday,25 of January strip LOL funny and very topical,but it goes beyond that.This comic strip actually made me think.Not just ethics amongst mudslingers,but ethics amongst ethics....and funny to boot!That is why this is the comic of the week.

I was going to save my
Groundhog Day package of 'toons for today.That was until I saw this,'EEK!'(by Scott Nickel)yesterday.This is just too gosh darn funny:-)That is why it is the comic of the week.

First off,I would like to give a fine round of applause to 'Frog Applause' for a great week of 'thinking inside the box'.A big shout out and an even bigger thank you to Teresa Dowlatshahi for reminding me that all comics and,therefore,all cartoonists should be appreciated.Thank you,Teresa.

At first I did not know what to make of 'C'est La Vie',by Jennifer Babcock.It was sketchy,unevenly drawn,and sometimes even skipping around somehow apparently seemingly totally out of sequence.

But then,suddenly,I really liked it.It's Disneyesque princess types,Donna and Kacey were supreme comic foils for the devil-may-care star of the strip:Mona Montrois and her stuffed naughty bunny,Monsieur Smokey.

A testament to the strip is this funny comic from last Sunday,February 3rd.What a hilarious send up.'Gay face-straight body'...what a hoot!It's been a long while since I laughed so hard at a comic,that is why it is the comic of the week.

The Comic Of The Week This past Saturday's 'Moderately Confused',by Jeff Stahler,is this week's runner up.

But this week's winner is a Valentine's strip from the perpetually in the running,'Frog Applause'.Teresa Dowlatshahi has made more than a clever,funny,sexy,erotic almost naughty Valentine strip,here.It is chalked full of cartoony goodness.There is more thought put into this day's strip then most other comics have put in them in a month.That is why this is the comic of the week.

The Comic Of The Week As you can see,though it was a tuff week to pick one single toon,you just can't beat a good Cleveland joke.That is why last Sunday's,'The Meaning Of Lila',by said John Forgetta and L.A. Rose is the comic of the week.

I was going to go old school and pick this fantastic 'Blondie'...

But This La Cucaracha was just to funny to pass up.That is why it is the comic of the week.

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