Thursday, September 13, 2007

Don Key & Ella Font Talk

Ella:Long time no see,Don.Comin' to gloat?

Don:Wha!?!Oh,no.Can't put the cart before the horse,ya know.

Ella:Then where ya' been?

Don:Just givin' ya enough rope....Are you the G.O.P. or the G.A.Y.?

Ella:You never let up,do you?

Don:You would think having gay people in your party would be a good thing.We do.

Ella:Humpf!Give me a break,will,ya?Some people have very strong opinions on the subject.Don't we have a right to believe the way we feel is right?

Don:Yeah.So why are you hiding in the men's room.

Ella:Tell me about it...we sure can't use the 'gay marriage' card in 'o8.

Don:Well,ya still have abortion.

Ella:Do we?Sometimes I think we're cutting off our face to spit our nose.


Ella:Look,I don't agree with the Democrats view of a woman's right to choose.Looking at a little heart beat..I know some people can,but...but..I just can't...not believe it's not life.

Don:Tell me about it.


Don:It's so..gray.I know you see it as black and white...and I respect that.But when they throw away petrie dishes full of frozen embryos,how can they be against the morning after bill?

Ella:I don't understand how you can be against the death penalty but for abortion.

Don:Touche'.But technically..

Ella:..It's about the woman's right to choose.I know.'We' used used to hold the moral high ground on this issue.But to appease the looney tunes within our own party,I think that we are creating more abortions than saving them.

Don:I know allot of Democrats voted for Bushie because of his pro-life stance.So,I am not following you.

Ella:That's my point exactly.More and more Democrats are seeing most abortions as wrong.No one is for third trimester abortion.No one.

Don:Unless a mother's life is in danger.

Ella:Exactly!The government shouldn't have a say in a family's personal decision.That is a fundamental Republican position,but our abortion position has changed to where a family can't choose mother over baby...even if the mother's life is in danger!


Ella:And why?


Ella:Yes.The Republican leaders knew/know--whatever--that you Democrats could never ever agree to this absolute total ban on abortion.I.E.,y'all are pro-choice baby murderers.So instead of having a more 'moderate' anti-abortion law ,we're stuck with what we got now!

Don:Well,you still have that we are un-American,anti-war soldier haters. Fred Thompson is our best hope,I don't think that matters.

Don:Seriously...just why are you in the men's room stall right now?

Ella:Have you seen the line to the lady's room?This bar needs to take better care of it.

Don:But why do you keep kicking my leg and reaching under my stall?

Ella:I'm out of toilet paper...hand some over,will ya?

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