The Comic Of The Week
It is rare in today's comic world to come across a comic strip so fresh and fun that you don't know quite what to think of it.With 'Frog Applause'{by Teresa Dowlatshahi},I don't even try.Half of Frog's appeal is to just go with it's unique blend of word and idea usage.The other half is that it is not afraid to be bold and daring.This may not your grandfather's comic strip,but then again,it depends on grandfather :-)This strip from last Thursday is a classic example of the 'Frog Applause' attitude of daring you to use your imagination.I found it both erotic and somewhat not at the same time....just like the 'Apocalypse Now' reference it pays tribute to.F.A. should be read by everyone:DAILY!.That is why is strip is the comic of the week.
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